Sunday, April 15, 2007

Second Life??? Do they even have a first?

In class lately we've really been stressing Avatars and online communities. I have no problem with the people who just try it out and use it on a regular basis, however, there are users out there who actually become who they create on "Second Life." For instance, I've seen on the program where users dress up their character as a cartoon, and actually act like that certain cartoon. It's like living their fantasy in a semi-reality. So it occurred to me that there are users of Second Life who live as their character for up to 10 hours per day depending on the week. 10 hours?? That leaves 14 hours to sleep, eat, and/or do something actually productive...14 hours!!!
I understand how things can be addictive, I can say that when I first became a part of AOL when I was younger, I was so mesmerized by the internet that I couldn't stop thinking about it, even at school. However, as time went on, it was just like washing my hands, it was always available. Is this going to be the same tale? Popular for a couple years, then becomes a second nature, or will it just be an XFL type deal which is popular for a little bit then VOOM! It's gone! I guess only time will tell and we just have to kind of wait until the next big thing comes along....


Anonymous said...

I am right with you on this topic. I was not aware that avatars were becoming so popular until class. That's ridiculous that there are people who only leave themselves 14 hours a day to do something productive... along with the normal eating and sleeping. I just can't believe it!

Pamela said...

DJ-- In light of the tragic events still unfolding this week and to go along with what you are blogging about...I wonder if there is any connection between the comparison. With people spending days straight online at a they actually become a person they are not? To me, avatars are a sort of fantasy land...and when someone spends too much time in a fantasy land...sometimes I don't think they ever snap out of it. Video games have been proven a factor in the rise of crime and violence in our country...I would say we could group avatars in as a contributor to the violence as well.