Sunday, April 01, 2007

Test number 2

It's funny how taking a test on a computer and taking a test on paper can differ so much...When we took our second test on Friday on PC's I felt more prepared, and more comfortable than if I were doing it on paper. For some reason, my train of thought wasn't interrupted as much as usual when taking a test. Obviously, it had its drawbacks...the constant pounding of the keys, and the awkward noises of the room kind of threw me off a little bit, however for the most part I truly enjoyed taking a test like that.
What other ways of CMC will be possible for test taking in our future? Texting? Instant Messages with professors? Pretty much anything is possible...if communication keeps advancing at this pace, one on one sessions will be possible with video chat and text all at the same time. We'll have cyber classrooms, where all you have to do is roll out of bed, and turn on your digi-cam. I'm only 22, but with all the new tech stuff I'm already starting to feel as old as my parents....


Rachel B. said...

Yeah I know what you mean, I also enjoyed taking the test on the computer. For some reason, it just felt more natural than writing everything out by hand. I guess using the internet and IM so much has spoiled us to allow us to actually take tests on the computer with ease. It is crazy to think about how test taking will be done in the future, but for now, I'll take loss of vision from staring at a computer screen over carpel tunnel from writing too much!

Pamela said...

You even sometimes feel older than your parents because they have the knowledge of a four-year old on the computer. But CMC will do that to ya...since using the computer...thinking has to come quicker than when writing since you can type your thoughts so much faster than writing it all out. Often times when I am writing I lose train of thought before I can finish a sentence. I feel thinking quicker and developing thoughts faster is an upside of CMC.