Sunday, March 25, 2007

Breaking the Bank

Debit or Credit?? I'm sure these are words we all here oh so often nowadays because we are (mostly) all responsible enough to handle our own savings and checking accounts. I for one use my debit card more than usual because I don't like carrying cash around anymore. It's much easier to steal cash and use it than have someone try to use your debit or credit card, especially these days with technology tracking devices the way they are. Sure, I could go into the lecture about how people can hack your pin number and take your money, but then again, if you're that negligent with your account, than you really should not have one, or take better care of it at least.
Today I want to blog about how online banking has changed me and the way I go about things, and hopefully I'm not the only one.
Used to: Carry cash because it was convenient, no questions asked
Now: Debit cash 90% of the time because it's more secure that they now ask you 45 questions before your transaction is complete (i.e. pin, money back, signature.)

Used to: Have to run to the bank to deposit a check
Now: Type in the check number and amount from the comfort of my own computer chair.

Used to: Have to drive to the banks ATM to find out my account balance
Now: A few keystrokes of a keyboard, and clicks of a mouse and I know how much I don't have.

Used to: Be "rewarded" with a piggy bank for opening an account.
Now: Earn points for real rewards every time you swipe your card.

Online really gave banks a breath of fresh air from my stand point. Remember the shows and cartoons where everybody is at the bank on Friday?? Have you been to a bank on a Friday lately, it's officially just like every other day of the week. Bankers smile on their way out the door because they don't feel as pressured with a thousand transactions a day. That to me is a "game changer" in the banking industry. They took a chance on the online side of things, and I feel that they really made out as soundly if not more than many professions here in the U.S. But then again, it could just be me. So next time you get asked the question "Debit, or Credit?" reply with a smile, because not only did you just save some banker some time and effort, but you may have earned your very own points reward.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Heads or Tails?

Remember the days when it was forbidden to shop online? When Christmas' were insane because it was extremely terrifying to point, click, and be done? Lately (The 2000's) our society has increased online shopping by the millions. Although the internet is not completely secure, it has come great distances from the days of non-encrypted pages. I thought about all that I have bought thanks to the internet, and all the face to face confrontations I've had the pleasure of avoiding...and I was immediately surprised! Books, games, clothes, CD's, equipment, vitamins...the list can go on and on. The point is, our society has come up with a strategy to cut out the middle man in the consumer, supplier relationship. Previously, the supplier had to seek many employees to come and and accept the currency, stock shelves, sweep floors,, not so much. Companies have automated accounts that accept credit cards online, so there goes the cashier. There are no shelves to stock because the order goes straight through the main store and into the docks. Meaning the item is specially ordered and comes in straight from the truck, to your door. Then of course, there are no floors to sweep because....well, there are no floors. Just like that 1 store eliminated approximately 50 jobs in one store.
You may say, well 50 jobs isn't horrible, there have been worse developments...well let's say that the online store does well...there goes another store, and another, and another...until all but a few stores are left purely for convenience. I didn't think it was possible either, except for the fact that a major superstore's online shoppers have increased nearly 300% in 2 years. Some people don't even have to leave their home if they wish to do so, they log on, point, click, and bang there is a delivery truck there like a pizza to deliver your groceries. As in anything there are two sides to this coin...on one side it's amazingly convenient, and you can shop in your underwear if that's how you roll. However, on the flip side, the money you spend online is money you aren't spending at your local store, and may infact be a trend of your community. In any business, if business is good, it's great...and we all know there's no such thing as bad business. So head's or tails?

Monday, March 05, 2007

Internet Week

I can officially put any rumors to rest that I, DJ Yokley will never take part in and/or enroll in an online institution. As much as I enjoyed no physical class, I found it much more difficult to keep myself focused online. I found it confusing at times, and inconvenient at others. I can associate and put things in order better when I hear things and see people, not words. For example, I'd have more success remembering if I heard someone physically say something to me, as oppose to a message board or emails.
It wasn't completely miserable though...I feel it was a good experience because I had been looking into a couple online classes during the summer, however, after this week...I'll take a pass and stick with good ole' Westminster for another full semester. If I don't take anything else out of this experience, I'll take that I'm not built for e-mail association as much as I am for face/word.


It's official. I've given into the temptation of the iPod. I know you may be sitting there wondering why I'm bringing an iPod to a communication discussion...well I've found out in the 24 hours that I've had it that having an iPod is almost like being in a club. It doesn't just play music, it has games, calendars, world clocks, a notepad, shows photos, never ends...the only thing it doesn't do is have a phone on it...oh yeah, they just created that too (thats where I draw the line.) My mom just gave me her Palm handheld, and it's almost completely useless to me now considering everything I do on the handheld I can now do on my mp3 player.
I can communicate my whole life through this device, and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I'm finally growing accustomed to the fact that my cell phone can tell me where I am anywhere in the world through G.P.S. I'm not sure I'm comfortable yet with my music telling me what time it is in Nicaragua and being an on the road replacement for my gaming console...I also have found out that I can subscribe to podcasts of nearly anybody or anything that puts one out. People can communicate nearly anything they want people to hear through the internet, and through the "iPod community."
Does anybody else find it frightening sometimes how much technology and communication blurs into one device, and how much we are actually drones when we have a particular device activated? It's like the first week when we learned how iPods can be used to put up a wall...HA, I guess if you think about it, with Apple throwing everything and the kitchen sink into a 5 inch plastic/tin case...they now even put the wall up for us so we don't have to.